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Selasa, 30 September 2008

Tips membentuk otot badan ebook free download

saat saya menulis ini saya sedikit malu karena otot badan saya sendiri masih bisa dibilang masih perlu untuk melakukan berbagai hal agar otot tubuh membentuk. saat ini di umur 22 tinggi badan saya 170cm dan berat badan saya 70kg(pas habis makan, paling biasanya sekitar 68kg an) tapi ga papa siapa tau artikel ini bisa bermanfaat.

berbagai macam alasan orang ingin membentuk otot tubuh mereka, salah satunya adalah karena agar cewek cewek tertarik. oleh karena itu biasanya pergi ke tempat fitness(dan planga plongo disana). berharap badan bisa berubah setelah pulang nya, dan karena ga kunjung membentuk juga para pemula biasanya langsung mengambil jalan pintas dengan membeli suplemen yang instan. mengambap setelah minum suplemen badan langsung berbentuk. apa benar? sebenernya suplemen hanya mendukung saja, yang intinya sih makanan yang kita konsumsi setiap hari jadi pola makannya yang teratur dan alami, (namanya aja suplemen = penunjang!).

orang yang karena merasa badannya kurus ingin menambah berat badan dan membentuk otot. ada lagi karena merasa gemuk ingin dia kurus dan berotot sampe berjuang mati matian membusng lemak. ( "yah namanya olang" selalu merasa gak puas!).

ok nih pada dasarnya supaya perjuangannya (fitness membentuk badan) gak sia sia, mendingan makan yang bener baru dah gitu suplemen.

masalah suplemen sendiri cukup beragam dan yang laris karna terjangkau harganya yaitu asam amino. amino merupakan hasil cerna dari pada protein yang kita makan kemudian menjadi semacam benteng penahan (building blocks) bagi otot kita. nah lo dari situ bisa diambil kesimpulan kalau otot kita sedikit maka membutuhkan amino yang sedikit dan apabila otot kita banyak maka amino yang dibutuhkan semakin banyak. oleh karnanya perbanyak mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung protein.

waktu yang cocok untuk meminumnya biasanya sebelum dan sesudah latihan fitness dengan jumlah 3 butir sebelum dan 6 butir sesudah,   lalu sebelumtidur dengan jumlah disesuaikan banayknya otot kita (6 - 10 butir). tapi ada baiknya makan daging dan telur atau kalau punya duit beli susu protein. selamat berjuang........... kaya jaman 45 aja!!!!!!!

Download free ebook tentang pembentukan badan klik

Kirim email
jangan lupa yah…….

Rabu, 17 September 2008

How To Create A News Blog

How To Create A News Blog
By Trevor John

OK. I'm going to assume that you don't want to become CNN overnight. Just that you want to set up a simple blog that delivers news to your readers about a subject that will interest them.

There are a couple of ways that you can create a news blog:

  1. Search out the news yourself, type it up in your own words and post a blog entry
  2. Find one or more news feeds for your subject and include them in your blog


The second method has the advantage that other people create the content for you, so you don't have to be constantly at your computer, searching out news and commenting on it.

The disadvantage of the second method is that you're at the mercy of other people's news feeds.

If they don't update their news, you don't get any fresh news on your blog.

A third way that you could consider to make a news blog is to subscribe to Google News Alerts.

In a lot of ways, this gives you the best of both worlds. You get notified on a regular basis when something newsworthy happens in your subject area. You can then go off and either write a few paragraphs about that news or just write one or two sentences and then link off to the site with the main news article.

Creating a news blog can be a good way to make sure that you always have lots of fresh ideas coming your way. Sometimes the hardest thing about writing a blog is deciding what to write about next. If you concentrate on news items, other people have done the research for you and you can concentrate on adding your own "slant" to the news.

In the offline world, there are whole magazines that do just that. They provide a summary of the week's news. The Week is an excellent example of this (and highly recommended if you want to keep up with the main news in less than an hour a week). The Economist does the same thing but in a more specialist area.

Which means that if you create a news blog in your subject area, you should have a steady flow of both news and readers.

Find out more about how to create a blog and how to use your blog to best advantage. Learn the secrets of easy blogging.


Kirim email

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

The Top 10 SEO Tips For Website Success

The Top 10 SEO Tips For Website Success
By Matt Bush 

Today I would like to share with you my top ten list of things to make your website more SEO friendly.

1. Do proper keyword research: This is invaluable! Make sure that before you build a site, you figure out exactly what kinds of keywords you will want to target.

2. Use header tags: This is a chance for you to tell the search engines what you consider to be the most important phrase on your website.

3. Use italics and underlining to further emphasize your keywords.

4. Use proper keyword usage: I try to use my main keyword about 2% of the time. Don't overdo it!

5. Have a smart navigation structure: Make it as easy as possible for the search engines to get around your site, have lots of internal links

6. Use contextual links: Do everything you can to streamline your visitors through your site, and push them towards your products.

7. Get as many high quality links as you can: This is incredibly important, links can make the difference in a high ranking website.

8. Encourage visitor interaction: create some polls, reach for feedback, anything you can to involve your visitors.

9. Update content regularly: No one likes a stale site, keep it fresh

10. Branch out: not every venture is going to be incredibly profitable. Be sure to spread out your "eggs", and once you start making money, put more resources and time into making even more profit.

Search engine optimization really isn't that hard, and many people don't even do it. I hope that you have enjoyed my top 10 SEO tips.

Be sure to check out Matt's free video series " 5 Killer Techniques for Free Traffic " It will show you how to generate an endless supply of traffic to your website, for free!

Matt is an experienced internet marketer, and runs I.M. Matt Bush, your source for the latest internet marketing news and techniques.

Send email here! (kirim email disini)

Jumat, 12 September 2008

Rahasia Google

Google ada rahasianya looo! Ada yang tau? Mungkin blom banyak yang tau hihihihihi….Ini rahasia yang dimiliki google (try it out...!)

Buka dahulu...kemudian:

1. Ketik “googoth” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Kita akan dibawa masuk ke penampilan google yang gelap dan ala² gothic. (this is one of my favorite tapi buat mase skarang under maintenance)

2. Ketik “ewmew fudd” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Kita akan dibawa masuk ke penampilan google dengan teks versi tokoh Elmer Fudd dari Warner Bros.

3. Ketik “xx-klingon” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Kita akan dibawa masuk ke penampilan google dengan bahasa suku Klingon.

4. Ketik “google bsd” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Coba perhatikan ikon google yang biasa menjadi ikon bsd.

5. Ketik “google linux” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Coba perhatikan ikon google yang biasa menjadi ikon linux.

6. Ketik “google easter egg” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Kita akan dibawa masuk ke penampilan mesin pencari google dengan sebuah game menangkap easter egg, dimana kita sendiri boleh menggerakkan rabbit itu.

gimana seru kannnnnnnnnnn!

Kamis, 11 September 2008


1. download photoshop cs3 trial version, install

2. download photoshop cracker, extrack

3. copy photoshop cracker

4. go to:
start menu,
my computer,
local disk c,
program files,
adobe photoshop cs3, click paste.

5. now go to start menu, all program, and open photoshop.

6. go to help, you can see the ( registration) word is not active, it mean you are registered.

7. enjoy it

How to change office 2007 trial version into full version

How to change office 2007 trial version into full version

Because I have done the process already,so I can't really perform it to you.

1.Get Office 2007 trial version from and install it.You need to get the product key first. url:

2.After you install it,Remmember to activate it.It is recommended to do so.

3.Open regedit (start-run-regedit),and goto" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Of fice\12.0\Registration\90120000-0030-000 0-0000-0000000FF1CE (something like that...) "

3.In the right panel,delete "digital product id "and product id ".Don't delete the wrong things.It may cause unpredictable damages.

4.close regedit after you did that. goto run and type in " %systemdrive%\program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\Proof.en "

6.Open proof.xml as notepad.

7.scroll down to the bottom and you should see something like this:
now,change the lowest "alwaysinstalled " into "neverinstalled "


8.Save the changes and close.


And I hope you can done it ; ) harap hati hati ketika melakukannya karena bisa ber akibat fatal yang tidak saya tanggung.

Rabu, 10 September 2008

fungsi sebuah blog

apasih fungsi dari pada blog?
ketika kita melakukan sebuah kegiatan berupa blogging, maka blog akan memberikan spirit kepada kita dengan sebuah alat yaitu blog untuk bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang orang yang berada di seluruh dunia. dan sebagian orang menganggap dengan melakukan kegiatan blogging bisa mengubah kehidupan mereka karena blog yang mereka produksi bisa menghasilkan uang atau meng uangkan blog mereka(monetize). lalu apa sebenarnya fungsi dari pada blog?

1. blog sebagai tempat atau alat untuk berkreatifitas.
2. blog sebagai alat untuk berkomunikasi.
3. blog sebagai tempat untuk belajar atau sebagi bahan pelajaran.
4. blog sebagai tempat untuk menuangkan ide.
5. blog sebagai tempat hiburan.
6. blog sebagai penghubung antar teman.
7. blog sebagai sumber berita.
8. blog sebagai alat untuk mempengaruhi orang
8. blog sebagai tempat berdagang, berbisnis
9. blog sebagai alat untuk menghasilkan uang
10. blog sebagai tempat untuk pengontrol topik pembicaraan atau issue.

jadi pada intinya blog adalah tempat dimana anda melakukan pekerjaan yang anda cintai dan bisa bersenang senang dan dibayar.

Selasa, 09 September 2008

How to Publish Your Ebook

Ebook Publishing - How to Publish Your Ebook in the PDF Format
By Fabian Tan

Have you wondered how to create a snazzy PDF to present your ebook on? Most beginning ebook writers are looking for ways to convert their well presented Word document into PDF format. Wonder no more! Here are the steps to publish your own slick PDF files quickly and easily:

Step 1 - Go to and download their Open Office software. It's free of charge! Open Office is a quality alternative to Microsoft Word. And the best thing about it is its PDF conversion functionality.

Step 2 - Install the software and open the 'Writer' program in the suite.

Step 3 - Already written your ebook in Word format? Open it in Open Office!

Step 4 - Look for the PDF icon on the software and click on it to convert your Word document into PDF format! In a few seconds, you will have your ebook in PDF format. It's that easy!

That's it. You can literally go through these steps in less than 10 minutes and have a brand new PDF ready to be downloaded by your subscribers or customers.

There are a few other ways to convert your documents into PDF format. You can buy a copy of Adobe Acrobat or go to Adobe's website to use their PDF conversion feature. You are allowed 5 free conversions.

You can also download free PDF conversion software online, although in my opinion, these are less effective than the Open Office method I showed you. It's quick, easy and no frills! Something you can get started with immediately.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now before its gone!

Ebay E-book Success Tips

Ebay E-book Success Tips: Get Free Ebooks to Resell on eBay!
By Thomas Parker

With the spiraling eBay fees and competitive pricing, the last thing eBay ebook sellers want to worry about is buying new resellable content. However, there are many sources that you may not have thought about which provide you with free resellable ebooks that you can successfully add to your inventory. This article details just a few of them.

1) Ebay:- That's right eBay is a great source to pick up free ebooks (OK they're not quite free but very cheap). Many ebook sellers run auctions that start at 1p to attract customers. If nobody bids on these auctions you can pick up a very cheap resellable ebook.

Furthermore, some sellers run 1p ebook listings in their eBay store. That means that you can actually purchase the item as a Buy It Now for 1p and in some cases receive it instantly. Again another way to pick up a very cheap resellable ebook, courtesy of eBay. Do a search on eBay for "ebooks, resell" or something similar, and then list them lowest priced first to see what you find.

2) Newsletters:- When you signed up for this newsletter I gave you two free ebooks. Some newsletters that I am currently a member of give me 5 free ebooks every week. I would recommend joining ebook related newsletters as not only do you receive valuable tips from that ebook seller, you also get free products to add to your eBay store. Have a browse through eBay for the top ebook sellers. If they have a newsletter join it. It costs nothing and you are likely to benefit greatly.

3) Ebooks:- Usually when you buy a new ebook it contains links to many bonus ebooks with resell rights. Although you may have to pay for the first ebook, this is another way to get a plentiful collection of free resellable ebooks.

4) Online Forums:- Many users at online forums will give away free resellable ebooks or give away links that allow you to access free ebooks with resell rights. Just have a browse through the posts and see what you can find.

5) Ebook Websites:- Many websites that sell ebooks have a free download page. From this you can download free ebooks which quite often come with resell rights. Type "resell ebooks" into Google or any other major search engines, and have a browse through these websites. I am sure you will find more than enough ebooks to keep you going for a while.

Although free ebooks with resell rights are likely to be outdated in relation to the ones you pay for they are still a good way to bulk up your inventory at relatively little cost. The larger your store inventory is as an ebook seller, the more chance that you will get a sale. If you bulk up your inventory with free resellable ebooks which you then sell alongside the more expensive, up to date, resellable ebooks you are sure to enjoy increased success. Good Luck with your Ebook Sales!!!

Tom Parker has been selling ebooks and software with resell rights on eBay since 2003 at In 2006 he created from which he intends to sell his own ebook. He also opened which reviews the best ClickBank products available. You can reprint any of Tom's articles but please include the bio so that he is credited.

Minggu, 07 September 2008

How to Set Up an Auto-Responder

How to Set Up an Auto-Responder on a Website to Build a List
By Stuart Stirling

If you have an online business or you are thinking of trying to start one you should always include an auto responder among your top few must have items. The auto responder is the goose that is going to help lay those golden eggs-or in this case the golden mailing lists. These lists of names and emails are something you must have and it is a bit more work than you would want to tackle by hand. However, using an autoresponder automated the list building process.

What an auto responder does is capture the names and email addresses of anyone that comes to your website. If you don't capture these visitors to build your mailing list you are losing out on one of the primo marketing domination tools of all times. You do not know what may have attracted a visitor to your store but hopefully it was because he was interested in something you had to offer. Maybe you were selling green fish and the prospect likes fish but wanted blue ones. If the prospect wanders out into the vast internet the two of you may never meet when he is in the market for green fish someday-or when you start selling blue ones.

The point is the auto responder will keep in touch with this potential customer via scheduled emails. This keeps you and this customer in touch and keeps your name on the front burner. By this method you ensure that he will think about your website when he needs something from you.

When you sign up for an account with an auto responder service, they will provide you with all of the instructions for set up and you will find them very easy to set up. It's actually a matter of copy and paste to get them working on your website. Then you can edit how your emails are formatted and you can even make sure that your email list does not cross the line into dangerous spamming territory.

Scheduling the emails is up to you. It is your choice how often you want your auto responder to contact your potential buyers. You can even place links in the email offers that you mail. With the auto responder functioning as your office manager your site will be good to go.

You can build a big opt-in list quickly by giving away free rebrandable reports via a squeeze page website. Get your free list building websites here and start building a list while making nice affiliate commissions along the way. Simply download and plug for and it won't cost a thing to get started!

Selasa, 02 September 2008

Download Free and Legal MP3 Files

Free Music for Your iPod - How to Download Free and Legal MP3 Files
By Emma Martin

If you're looking for free music mp3 files for your iPod or another mp3 player, but you don't want to break the law, there are definitely other options for you besides just waiting for iTunes to release their weekly free song. You don't need to resort to ignoring copyright and brazenly using file sharing networks. There's actually plenty of free music out there for the taking. You just need to know where to look for it.

One great source of free and legal music is creative commons licensed songs. A lot of new artists make their music available available for free download in the hopes of finding themselves some new fans. And you don't have to wade through thousands of bad songs looking for the good stuff. Other music lovers like yourself take the time to review new music and either post both the mp3's and their reviews on blogs or in music podcasts where you get to hear the songs and possibly interviews with the bands.

There's actually plenty of great stuff out there to listen too and I find myself stumbling across new artists all the time. MySpace and/or Facebook are also some great places to look for new artists. Many musical artists will have a MySpace page with an audio player so you can listen to their music online and then you can visit their official website to see if they also make some of their songs available to download so you can actually listen to them on your mp3 player.

So how does this all work? In a nutshell, Creative Commons is an alternative to the standard copyright formulation of "All Rights Reserved." Instead, artists may choose to license their work with "Some Rights Reserved". With several licensing options to select from, Creative Commons represents a compromise between "All Rights Reserved" in which all artistic output is subject to bureaucracy, lengthy negotiations and financial arrangements in order for someone else to make use of it, and "Public Domain" which represents a free-for-all environment of no rights whatsoever.

Many music podcasts make use of creative commons licensed music and song to bring listeners some of the newest cutting edge music and it makes it so much easier to find good stuff to listen to if you have someone doing a lot of the sifting for you. And let's face it, even the big name artists started out unsigned and unpromoted. If you've ever met someone who got to see a big name band and some small night club before they hit the big time and felt guilty, discovering new music is your chance to be the first to discover the next big hit.

Looking for new music to download for free? Check out my top pick blogs and podcasts where you can download free legal mp3 files to listen to on your iPod or mp3 player.

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

Download Computer Games Software

Download Computer Games Software and Have Fun and Thrill at the Same Time

By Victor Epand

Games have always been popular among human beings. There have been different kinds of games in human history. As human developed games also went on changing, improving in their content and reach. In the modern times science and technology have revolutionized every field of human activity. Games are no exceptions.

In the place of the old games there came video games and then computer games. They have so completely transformed the world of games that the old ones are no longer found. People of all ages have been attracted by video games and computer games. We even find children who spend hours in front of the computer playing their favorite games.

Though computer games give us enjoyment and diversion from our concerns, too much of it is surely harmful. It is not only harmful to the eyes, but also to the mind. So we should be careful about allowing our children to play computer games. There should be a strict time frame for them.

As computer games have become increasingly popular, they have become costlier as well. Though we are enchanted by newer varieties of games we can't afford to buy them. In this context the best way out is buying them online or downloading them.

If you buy them online you have a few advantages. You can have a trial before you decide to buy one. That way you can verify the quality of a game before you buy it. It also provides you with the opportunity to test a large number of games before making a decision. You will be acquainted with newer varieties of games.

It is easy for you to download and enjoy your computer games. For that you have to download the necessary software. There are a large number of sites which allow you to download games freely. You can search for the best games and then you can download them. With that your favorite games will be there in your computer and you will be able to play them whenever you like.

You can also play them any number of times. When you are tired with them you can naturally uninstall them and go for newer ones. So at no cost you can renew the games occasionally.

Among the games that are available for downloading, some famous games can be mentioned which are easily available and are top ranking among all the games available. The World of Warcraft, Command and Conquer 3, Universe at War, Crysis Demo, Squad Command, Mysterious Island, Titan Mode, Portal Ren Test, Sam and Max, Modern Warfare, Tom Clancy Rainbow Six, World in Conflict, etc., are just a few games that can be downloaded easily from the websites. A host of other games are there too that can be downloaded. The games like the Play Station have been modified often are designed keeping in view different tastes of the players.

All kinds of war games, construction games, child games and the mind games are very easily downloaded and enjoyed. This state of downloading the computer games software has been spreading so rapidly that everyone is joining the mania of downloading and playing these games.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for computers, laptops and software. When shopping for used computers, used laptops and used software, we recommend you shop at only the best online stores for used computer and used laptop.

Download MP3 Music

Top 5 Places To Download MP3 Music Online

By Davion Wong

Downloading MP3 music online is really a normal daily affair for music lovers. There is nothing fanciful really. People have this misconception that as long as you are not paying for your MP3 music files, it is not legal to do so. And the contrary may not be true as well. So it can be quite enlightening to know that there are places where you can actually download music MP3 online for free legally. This article will take you to several sites where you can find music online to download for your MP3 player or computer.


This site actually has a free section to download MP3 music online. We are not talking about music that is unwanted and unpopular here but some of the greatest and most exclusive music pieces from the hottest musicians around the world today. Not only do you get to download selected tracks from popular artists, you can also download music from various genres like Indie Rock or Jazz. It is quite likely that you can find your favourite band of music there.


Epitonic offers you a rather extensive and large database of MP3s. In fact, users are amazed at the collection of music MP3s and the variety of music genre they have. When you download MP3 music online at this site, be prepared to find lots of high quality free downloads for your MP3 player.


This is a community music directory where you can freely download MP3 music online of all kinds of music from classics like pieces by Beethoven to music by Bright Eyes. It is a good starting point for anyone who wants to get hold of some MP3 music downloads.


This site is another site that gives you the chance to download MP3 music online for free. The uniqueness of the site lies in the fact that the music is originally produced by independent bands and musicians that you have not heard of. These are the wannabes waiting to be discovered by talent scouts. One such musician is Bo Bice of American Idol 4. So if you are a great fan, you can download the music there.

Matador Records

Matador is one great place to find music MP3s from popular Indie groups as well as other music genres. This site allos you to download free and totally legal music files from groups like Spoon, Stephen Malkmus, Guided By Voices and so on. All you ever need to do is to drop by at their free MP3 music online page to download the music pieces.

When it comes to finding the right music sites to download MP3 music online for free, it becomes quite clear that there are trusted places to do so. But not all sites that you find online allow you to do so safely and free from harmful malware. So be sure to check carefully. Read up more on where you can download unlimited numbers of MP3 music files for less than a dime per download at my music blog.

Davion is a music addict and carry do without them. Find out about hot and limited offers for unlimited music downloads. Also read his wildly popular article for tips to download music online for free.

Selasa, 29 April 2008

Pulau Biawak, Indramayu

Kabupaten Indramayu terletak di ujung timur laut Jawa Barat, batas wilayah disebelah barat adalah Kabupaten Subang dan Kabupaten Sumedang, sebelah utara dengan Laut Jawa, sebelah timur dengan Laut Jawa dan Kabupaten Cirebon dan sebelah selatan dengan Kabupaten Cirebon dan Kabupaten Majalengka. Luas wilayah Kabupaten Indramayu 204.000 Ha yang memiliki garis pantai sepanjang 114 km, yang secara administratif dibagi kedalam 9 Kecamatan dan 37 desa pesisir.

Pulau Biawak (Pulau Rakit) begitu masyarakat Indramayu menyebutnya, kenapa disebut Pulau Biawak? Sebab hampir sejumlah 1000 ekor biawak komodo dengan panjang kira-kira 2 m bermukim di pulau tersebut. Secara geografis, Pulau Biawak merupakan salah satu wilayah Kabupaten Indramayu yang terletak dilepas pantai Laut Jawa, kurang lebih 40 km di sebelah utara pantai Indramayu. Luas pulau sekitar 120 Ha, terdiri dari 80 Ha diantaranya merupakan hutan bakau dan 40 Ha hutan pantai/darat. Panjang pulau dari timur ke barat lebih kurang 2 km dan dari utara ke selatan 1 km. Tinggi permukaan laut 0 sd 1 m. Pulau ini memiliki areal litoral yang luas, jarak dari pantai ke arah laut rata-rata 200 m, sedangkan di bagian barat dan barat laut sampai 400 m yang terdiri dari batu-batu karang mati dan hancuran karang (reef flat). Luas daratan yang tidak pernah terganang air laut lebih kurang 1/3 dari luas pulau.

Secara topografi, Pulau Biawak tersusun dari batu-batu karang dan hancuran batu karang, pasir putih/kersik lumpur dan humus terutama dijumpai di bagian barat laut dan utara yang merupakan hutan bakau dengan Bruguiera sp. yang berakar jangkar pendek. Formasi geologi wilayah pesisir pantai utara tersusun atas batuan sedimen yang terdiri dari campuran hancuran literit serta jenis batuan Pilocene sedimentary facies serta alluvium.

Abrasi dan sedimentasi hanya dijumpai dibagian barat sebagai akibat pengaruh angin barat, sedangkan pengendapan dijumpai dibagian barat laut dan utara. Akibat keadaan topografi yang datar maka tidak terdapat erosi didaratannya. Pulau Biawak merupakan pulau hutan yang banyak ditumbuhi berbagai jenis bakau. Kondisi ekosistem mangrove masih baik dengan tumbuhnya berbagai ragam jenis mangrove yang sudah langka jarang dijumpai di pantura. Jenis-jenis bakau yang tumbuh diantaranya : Sonneratia spp., Avicennia spp., Bruguiera spp., Rhizopora spp., Ceriops spp., Achanthus spp., Lummitterae, Xylocarpus, Aegicera, Nipa spp., dan Heritiera spp. Beberapa jenis tumbuhan lain yang banyak dijumpai adalah Hibiscus, Pongamia, Erytrina, Premna, Redermachera, Phempis, Cordia, Cemara Laut (Morinda spp.), ketapang (Terminilia cattapa), Waru, Pandan (Pandanus spp.), Kelapa (Cocos nucifera), dan Petai cina (Leucaena glauca).

Bagian barat Pulau Biawak ditemukan padang lamun yang cukup luas. Penutupan padang lamun tersebut mencapai 1/3 pulau. Dengan adanya padang lamun tersebut dapat diduga bahwa Pulau Biawak merupakan tempat mencari makan (feeding ground) bagi ikan duyung (Dugong dugong).

Biota darat, yang sering dijumpai dan menjadi ciri khas Pulau Biawak adalah Biawak (Varanus salvator). Fauna lainnya adalah dari jenis burung diantaranya Trinil pantai (Bubulkus ibis), Cangak abu (Ardea cinerea), Cangak laut (Ardea sumatrana), Cekaka (Halycon chloris), Burung udang biru (Alcedo caerulescens), Trulek (Pluvialis dominia) dan lain-lain.

Pulau Biawak merupakan tempat persinggahan burung-burung merandai, selain sebagai tempat bersarang, berlindung serta tidur terutama pada vegetasi hutan sisi timur yang kondisi tegakan hutan relatif tinggi. Burung-burung merandai tersebut umunya melakukan migrasi harian ke pesisir pantai sekitar Indramayu untuk mencari makan pada siang hari dan kembali pada sore hari.

Pada sisi selatan Pulau Biawak terdapat banyak bongkahan batu berdiameter 2 sd 3 m yang tertutup karang massive. Sebagian besar karang yang bercabang (branching), submassive dan digtata sudah menjadi reruntuhan yang terlihat menutupi dasar laut, hanya pada tempat kondisi karang masih baik dengan prosentase penutupan karang 54.42% pada kedalaman 3 m, sedangkan pada kedalaman 10 m didominasi oleh karang mati dan abiotik yang masing-masing menutupi daerah tersebut sebesar 39.96% dan 35.9%. Jenis karang meja (tabulate) umumnya berukuran kecil. Jenis karang lain yang masih dapat dijumpai dalam jumlah sedikit adalah jenis daun (foliose), jenis mushroom, karang lunak (soft coral) dan sponge. Selain pencemaran yang diduga diakibatkan oleh keberadaan industri minyak dan gas (migas), Pulau Biawak yang terletak sekira 40 km arah utara pesisir pantai Kabupaten Indramayu juga terancam kelestariannya oleh para pemburu ikan hias dan terumbu karang yang menjadi kekayaan biota laut pulau terpencil tersebut.

Sebab penangkapan ikan hias dan pencarian terumbu karang oleh para pemburunya, dilakukan de-ngan cara-cara yang sangat merusak. Selain menggunakan bom dan sianida (potassium), mereka juga menggunakan jaring yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Akibatnya kerusakan lingkungan di pulau tersebut menjadi tak terhindarkan.

Seperti halnya diungkapkan Kepala Kantor Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kab. Indramayu, Drs. Umar Budi Karyadi dan penggiat lingkungan hidup dari LSM Siklus di Indramayu, Oni Toyib dalam perbincangan dengan "PR" secara terpisah, Selasa (21/6). Mereka menyebutkan, pencari ikan hias dan terumbu karang di Pulau Biawak kebanyakan datang dari kawasan kepulauan seribu yang menjual hasil tangkapannya kepada konsumen ikan hias di Jakarta termasuk untuk ekspor.

"Menurut informasi petugas penjaga mercusuar di Pulau Biawak, sering menemukan pemburu ikan hias dan terumbu karang yang membawa senjata dalam operasinya hingga petugas tidak dapat berbuat banyak untuk memperingatkannya. Jadi ancaman kelestarian di pulau itu sebenarnya bukan hanya oleh keberadaan industri migas semata," kata Umar Budi Karyadi.

Ia mengakui, Pulau Biawak memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan wisata. Namun mengingat posisinya sebagai kawasan konservasi yang harus dilindungi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya, maka tidak memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan wisata massal. Karenanya kendati pernah ada sejumlah investor yang berniat mengelolanya, hingga kini tidak terdengar lagi kabarnya usai melakukan survei di kawasan itu.

Untuk itu menurut Umar, sebagai upaya untuk menjaga kelestarian di lingkungan Pulau Biawak, Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kab. Indramayu berencana memasang alat komunikasi di pulau terpencil itu. Hingga setiap pengunjung yang datang dapat terpantau dan setiap peristiwa yang terjadi di Pulau Biawak dapat langsung dilaporkan dan termonitor.


Adapun tentang penggunaan bom dan sianida yang dilaporkan mengancam di Pulau Biawak, menurut penggiat lingkungan Oni Toyib, hal itu dimungkinkan karena ikan-ikan hias di lautan kebanyakan hidup di antara karang. Karenanya untuk memudahkan penangkapan adalah dengan mengebom dan sekaligus menebar racun sianida. Cara itu dinilai praktis karena dengan menghancurkan karang-karang yang sekaligus dimanfaatkan untuk diperjual-belikan, pelaku dapat menangkap ikan hias yang diburunya.

Adanya aktivitas perburuan ikan hias dan terumbu karang, selain merusak lingkungan di Pulau Biawak juga mendatangkan masalah bagi masyarakat pesisir khususnya para nelayan. Sebab menyusul sering terjadinya pengeboman karang oleh pemburu ikan hias, berdampak pada menyusutnya jumlah ikan hasil tangkapan nelayan. Karena ikan-ikan karang seperti ikan baronang dan kakap, sebagaimana dikeluhkan para nelayan, belakangan menjadi sulit ditangkap di perairan sekitar Pulau Biawak karena rusaknya tempat hidup ikan-ikan tersebut.

Menurut Oni jenis ikan yang banyak ditemukan di perairan Pulau Biawak di antaranya kiper (Scatophagus argus), samandar (Siganus verniculator), kerapu (Chremileptis altivella), dokter (Lebroides dimidiatus), kakatua (Callyodon ghabbon), kerapu tikus (Cinhiticthy aprianus), zebra (Dendrichirus zebra), kupu-kupu (Cheetodon chrysurus), kokotokan, Merakan (Pierois veliteus), pisau-pisau dan petek perak (Desayllus reticulatus)," kata penggiat lingkungan dari LSM Siklus tersebut.

Terkait kasus pencemaran Pulau Biawak oleh limbah industri migas, dua anggota DPRD Kab. Indramayu H. Urip dan Lukman Hakim, SH menyesalkan dilakukannya pengambilan sampel limbah crude oil dari Pulau Biawak dengan menggunakan fasilitas dari salah satu industri migas yang ada.

Di samping itu, pengujian sampel crude oil di Lembaga Minyak dan gas (Lemigas) yang akan di laksanakan oleh Kantor kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, juga diyakini dapat memberikan hasil pengujian yang kurang maksimal. "Sebab Lemigas, kendati disebut-sebut sebagai lembaga independen, namun pendanaannya berasal dari industri-industri migas yang ada," kata keduanya.

Untuk itu, baik H Urip maupun Lukman Hakim, SH berharap dilakukan pengulangan pengambilan sampel crude oil dari Pulau Biawak yang didanai secara mandiri oleh Pemkab Indramayu. Dimana sampel yang diambil, penelitiannya diberikan ke lembaga lain di luar Lemigas hingga hasilnya bisa menjadi pembanding atas hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Lemigas.(A-96)***

Senin, 28 April 2008


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